Choosing a host that can offer you a user-friendly experience is very essential. An easy to use hosting providing service will let you help to streamline your webpage set up process. It also makes it easy for you to have access to any kind of tools and features that you might need and also supports you to ensure that your website is functioning at its maximum capacity. Choose your best web hosting provider at webpage scientist.
Both DreamHost and BlueHost have tried to spend most of their time in perfecting their individual dashboards, control panels, and also WordPress install processes in order to ensure that their services are user friendly as well.
The user experience of DreamHost
It has a very quick sign up process and once your account has been made, you can easily log into the DreamHost control panel. DreamHost usually makes their own custom dashboard rather than depending on cPanel like in BlueHost. Also, it provides access to all of your account, domain, as well as hosting information. It enables you to create new websites, to have access to website databases and files, and much more. You can read more about it on the webpage scientist.
BlueHost user experience
As compared to DreamHost, BlueHost provides a slightly beginner-friendly user experience along with a cleaner interface that helps you to make navigating around different tools and services a very quick and easy process.
BlueHost also offers its customers one-click WordPress install and then install and setup WordPress automatically for you, once you have selected a domain of your choice. BlueHost also utilizes cPanel, enabling you to have extra control over your website’s files, databases, and functionality. Along with the installation of WordPress, its own BlueHost menu is also installed. This is a good option for the beginners for whom WordPress might be confusing.