Using herbs in your dishes can surely make it tastier. So if you are an herb-lover, then you should know how to dry them, especially if you have them planted in your backyard and you do not want to waste them. So if you are looking for information about drying herbs at home, then you have come to the right place.
How To Dry Your Herbs At Home
These days, those who like to air dry their herbs use herb drying racks. The rack should be in a room where there is no breeze that is strong enough to blow the leaves away, especially once they are dried completely. Also, it is best to choose dark and temperate areas in the house and that no dust can penetrate in the room where you air dry your herbs. Remember that the wetter the air, the longer it would be for your herbs to dry. If you think it’s dry, do a crumble test and if they easily crush and come apart easily, then it’s ready.
Avoid Food Waste
If you always have extra herbs, then you should not throw them away because you cannot keep them fresh for a long time. That is why you have to learn how to dry your herbs to ensure that you minimize food waste. This way, you know that you have the herbs that you need on hand to use in your favorite recipes.
Guaranteed Fresh and Flavorful
When you choose to dry your herbs at home, this gives you a guarantee that they are fresh before using them. Compared to buying the ones in groceries, there is no assurance if how long they have been sitting around on the shelves before you bought them. In fact, you have to admit that even the ones that you bought at the grocery does not really taste freshly dried.
Herbs Are Easy To Air Dry
Drying herbs does not really need a complicated machine. In fact, you can easily air dry them at home. Air drying is the most used method even back in the day. You can just hang a bunch of herbs upside down and make sure that all moisture is gone. Keep the branches bunched using a rubber band to keep them tight. Once you can crumble the leaves, that means that it’s ready to be preserved in airtight containers.
Now that you know the benefits of drying herbs at home, for sure after reading the reasons mentioned above, they will be enough to convince you why you should give it a try. Air drying herbs is fun and easy. In fact, others find it satisfying especially once they are dried and it’s time crumble and store them.