Everyone knows that cellulitis looks like lumps, dimples, dents, or sagging skin. Some would even describe as orange peel – looking skin. And through the years, there has always been a debate whether or not cellulite is fat or if it is fascia. However, one of the misconceptions is that cellulite is purely genetic and that it is something that women should have to accept of having. Another wrong thought is that having cellulite means that you are fat.
All About The Fascia
Even though there is an ongoing argument whether or not cellulite is fat or if it is fascia, the truth is that fascia can be found from head to toe. It separates and connects your muscles, bones, organs, veins, and arteries, at the same time. It is considered a sophisticated system of cells that spreads throughout the body. That means that it plays a huge and very important role in every system of your body.
Compared to men, women tend to have fewer supportive connective tissues like in the thighs and buttocks. So when the protein fibers of the fascia become distorted, the fat deposits will start to protrude. That means that the weakened connective tissue fibers that can be found under your skin create a dimple. So this is how cellulite becomes the lumps on your skin.
What Happens To Unhealthy Fascia
If you have an unhealthy fascia, it can affect a huge part of your body like your blood. Since blood is running through the fascia, it can cause poor blood flow and circulation if your fascia is unhealthy. Also, your nerves that sends signals to your brain can be negatively affected. Your muscles and tendons will also be affected and they will have a hard time contracting, relaxing, and stretching.
Other than that, the spine and joints which has fascia running all around them so they can result to compression, twisting, and contortion or what we know as scoliosis. In the worst cases, unhealthy fascia can also affect your brain. It is covered in fascia and if you have unhealthy ones, the fascia can clamp down on your brain that will result in headaches and brain fogs.
Use This Tool To Treat Your Fascia
If you check articles online, one of the most powerful and effective tool when it comes to the treatment of fascia is using the fasciablaster originally created by Ashley Black. Using this tool, you can gently rub it onto the warmed up and oiled part of the body until the fascia is loosened up. Since fascia blaster became very popular worldwide, other companies also started to make their own version of “cellulite blasters.”